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00001 /*
00002  * SubTimer source file
00003  *  Copyright (C) 2005 Peter Salvi
00004  *   Last modification: <2005.03.23., 16:19:51>
00005  *
00006  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009  *  (at your option) any later version.
00010  *
00011  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
00015  *
00016  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
00019  */
00021 #include <qaction.h>
00022 #include <qbuttongroup.h>
00023 #include <qcheckbox.h>
00024 #include <qdatetime.h>
00025 #include <qfiledialog.h>
00026 #include <qmessagebox.h>
00027 #include <qpixmap.h>
00028 #include <qpushbutton.h>
00029 #include <qradiobutton.h>
00030 #include <qregexp.h>
00031 #include <qspinbox.h>
00032 #include <qtable.h>
00033 #include <qtextedit.h>
00035 #include "aboutdlg.hh"
00036 #include "common.hh"
00037 #include "finddlg.h"
00038 #include "pasteselectdlg.h"
00039 #include "precisetimeedit.hh"
00040 #include "shifttimesdlg.h"
00041 #include "subtimerwnd.hh"
00042 #include "wavewidget.hh"
00044 SubTimerWnd::SubTimerWnd(QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl)
00045   : SubTimerWndBase(parent, name, fl)
00046 {
00047   setIcon(QPixmap::fromMimeSource("timer-icon.xpm"));
00048   tableLines->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(0, tr("Start time"));
00049   tableLines->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(1, tr("End time"));
00050   tableLines->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(2, tr("Name"));
00051   tableLines->horizontalHeader()->setLabel(3, tr("Text"));
00052   tableLines->setColumnWidth(0, 100);
00053   tableLines->setColumnWidth(1, 100);
00054   tableLines->setColumnWidth(2, 60);
00055   tableLines->setColumnWidth(3, 1000);
00056   editCurrentLine->setTextFormat(QTextEdit::PlainText);
00058   changed = false;
00059   sub = NULL;
00060 }
00062 SubTimerWnd::~SubTimerWnd()
00063 {
00064   clearClipboard();
00065   if(sub != NULL) {
00066     sub->eraseAll();
00067     delete sub;
00068   }
00069 }
00071 void SubTimerWnd::checkMultipleLines()
00072 {
00073   int seltop = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00074   if(seltop != tableLines->selection(0).bottomRow()) {
00075     editPaste_lineAction->setEnabled(false);
00076     editAdd_line_beforeAction->setEnabled(false);
00077     editAdd_line_afterAction->setEnabled(false);
00078     editSplit_lineAction->setEnabled(false);
00079     editMerge_with_next_lineAction->setEnabled(false);
00080   } else {
00081     editPaste_lineAction->setEnabled(true);
00082     editAdd_line_beforeAction->setEnabled(true);
00083     editAdd_line_afterAction->setEnabled(true);
00084     editSplit_lineAction->setEnabled(true);
00085     if(seltop == tableLines->numRows() - 1) 
00086       editMerge_with_next_lineAction->setEnabled(false);
00087     else
00088       editMerge_with_next_lineAction->setEnabled(true);
00089   }
00090 }
00092 void SubTimerWnd::clearClipboard()
00093 {
00094   for(std::list<SubTitle::Event *>::const_iterator ei = clipboard.begin();
00095       ei != clipboard.end(); ++ei)
00096     delete *ei;
00097   clipboard.clear();
00098 }
00100 void SubTimerWnd::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *ce)
00101 {
00102   if(changed)
00103     if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Unsaved changes"),
00104                             tr("You have made unsaved changes. Continue?"), 
00105                             QMessageBox::No, 
00106                             QMessageBox::Yes) == QMessageBox::No)
00107       ce->ignore();
00108     else
00109       ce->accept();
00110   else
00111     ce->accept();
00112 }
00114 void SubTimerWnd::copyLines(int from, int until)
00115 {
00116   clearClipboard();
00117   for(int i = from; i <= until; ++i)
00118     clipboard.push_front(new SubTitle::Event(*(*sub)[i]));
00119 }
00121 void SubTimerWnd::eraseLines(int from, int until)
00122 {
00123   for(int i = 0; i <= until - from; ++i)
00124     sub->erase(from);
00125 }
00127 void SubTimerWnd::loadEvent(int i, SubTitle::Event *e)
00128 {
00129   tableLines->setText(i, 0, e->start.toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz"));
00130   tableLines->setText(i, 1, e->end.toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz"));
00131   tableLines->setText(i, 2, e->name);
00132   tableLines->setText(i, 3, e->dialogue);
00133   if(!changed) {
00134     changed = true;
00135     setCaption(caption() + "*");
00136   }
00137 }
00139 void SubTimerWnd::loadEventFromTable(bool scrolling)
00140 {
00141   int seltop = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00142   editCurrentLine->setText(convertNToEnter((*sub)[seltop]->dialogue));
00143   editStartTime->setTime((*sub)[seltop]->start);
00144   editEndTime->setTime((*sub)[seltop]->end);
00145   if(!waveBand->isVisible((*sub)[seltop]->start) ||
00146      !waveBand->isVisible((*sub)[seltop]->end)) {
00147     int newleft = SECS((*sub)[seltop]->start) - 2;
00148     if(scrolling) {
00149       if(newleft < 0)
00150         waveBand->scrollTo(0);
00151       else
00152         waveBand->scrollTo(newleft);
00153     }
00154   }
00155 }
00157 QString SubTimerWnd::convertEnterToN(QString s) const
00158 {
00159   return s.replace('\n', "\\N");
00160 }
00162 QString SubTimerWnd::convertNToEnter(QString s) const
00163 {
00164   return s.replace("\\N", "\n", FALSE);
00165 }
00167 void SubTimerWnd::fileOpen()
00168 {
00169   if(changed)
00170     if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Unsaved changes"),
00171                             tr("You have made unsaved changes. Continue?"), 
00172                             QMessageBox::No, 
00173                             QMessageBox::Yes) == QMessageBox::No)
00174       return;
00176   QString s = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null,
00177                                            "SubStation Alpha (*.ssa);;"
00178                                            "SubRip (*.srt);;"
00179                                            "Text (*.txt)",
00180                                            this,
00181                                            "open subtitle dialog",
00182                                            tr("Open a subtitle..."));
00183   if(s == QString::null)
00184     return;
00186   SubTitle *tsub;
00188   if(s.right(4).upper() == ".SSA") {
00189     tsub = new SsaSub();
00190   } else if(s.right(4).upper() == ".SRT") {
00191     tsub = new SrtSub();
00192   } else {
00193     tsub = new TxtSub();
00194   }
00196   QFile f(s);
00197   if(!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
00198     QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot open file"),
00199                          tr("Cannot open file: %1!").arg(s), 
00200                          QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00201     return;
00202   }
00203   if(!tsub->loadFromFile(&f)) {
00204     QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("File not valid"),
00205                          tr("%1 is not a valid subtitle file!").arg(s), 
00206                          QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00207     return;
00208   }
00209   f.close();
00211   if(sub != NULL) {
00212     sub->eraseAll();
00213     delete sub;
00214   }
00215   sub = tsub;
00217   tableLines->setCurrentCell(0, 0);
00218   tableLines->clearSelection();
00219   tableLines->setNumRows(sub->count());
00220   for(size_t i = 0; i < sub->count(); ++i)
00221     loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);
00223   changed = false;
00224   fname = s;
00225   setCaption("SubTimer - " + 
00226              fname.right(fname.length() - fname.findRev('/') - 1));
00228   fileSaveAction->setEnabled(true);
00229   fileSaveAsAction->setEnabled(true);
00230   editShift_timesAction->setEnabled(true);
00231   editFindAction->setEnabled(true);
00232   editCut_lineAction->setEnabled(true);
00233   editCopy_lineAction->setEnabled(true);
00234   editPaste_lineAction->setEnabled(true);
00235   editErase_lineAction->setEnabled(true);
00236   editAdd_line_beforeAction->setEnabled(true);
00237   editAdd_line_afterAction->setEnabled(true);
00238   editSplit_lineAction->setEnabled(true);
00239   editMerge_with_next_lineAction->setEnabled(true);
00240   buttonOpenWave->setEnabled(true);
00241   editStartTime->setEnabled(true);
00242   editEndTime->setEnabled(true);
00243   editDuration->setEnabled(true);
00244   buttonGrabSelected->setEnabled(true);
00245   editCurrentLine->setEnabled(true);
00246   tableLines->setEnabled(true);
00248   tableLines->setFocus();
00249   tableLines->selectRow(0);
00250 }
00252 void SubTimerWnd::fileSave()
00253 {
00254   if(!changed) return;
00255   QFile f(fname);
00256   if(!f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) {
00257     QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot write file"),
00258                          tr("Cannot write file: %1!").arg(fname), 
00259                          QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00260     return;
00261   }
00262   sub->saveToFile(&f);
00263   changed = false;
00264   setCaption(caption().left(caption().length() - 1));
00265 }
00267 void SubTimerWnd::fileSaveAs()
00268 {
00269   QString *filter = new QString(QString::null);
00270   QString s = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QString::null,
00271                                            "SubStation Alpha (*.ssa);;"
00272                                            "SubRip (*.srt);;"
00273                                            "Text (*.txt)",
00274                                            this,
00275                                            "save subtitle dialog",
00276                                            tr("Save subtitle..."),
00277                                            filter);
00278   if(s == QString::null)
00279     return;
00281   if(s.right(4).upper() != ".SSA" && 
00282      s.right(4).upper() != ".SRT" && 
00283      s.right(4).upper() != ".TXT")
00284     s += filter->right(5).left(4);
00285   delete filter;
00287   SubTitle *tsub;
00289   if(s.right(4).upper() == ".SSA") {
00290     tsub = new SsaSub(sub);
00291   } else if(s.right(4).upper() == ".SRT") {
00292     tsub = new SrtSub(sub);
00293   } else {
00294     tsub = new TxtSub(sub);
00295   }
00297   if(QFile::exists(s)) {
00298     if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Overwrite file"),
00299                             tr("%1 already exists. Overwrite?").arg(s), 
00300                             QMessageBox::No, 
00301                             QMessageBox::Yes) == QMessageBox::No)
00302       return;
00303   }
00304   QFile f(s);
00305   if(!f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) {
00306     QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot write file"),
00307                          tr("Cannot write file: %1!").arg(s), 
00308                          QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00309     return;
00310   }
00311   tsub->saveToFile(&f);
00312   changed = false;
00314   if(sub != NULL) {
00315     sub->eraseAll();
00316     delete sub;
00317   }
00318   sub = tsub;
00320   fname = s;
00321   setCaption("SubTimer - " + 
00322              fname.right(fname.length() - fname.findRev('/') - 1));
00323 }
00325 void SubTimerWnd::editShiftTimes()
00326 {
00327   ShiftTimesDlg st(this);
00328   if(tableLines->selection(0).topRow() != 
00329      tableLines->selection(0).bottomRow())
00330     st.shiftSelected->setChecked(true);
00331   if(st.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return;
00333   int shift = MSECS(st.shiftTime->time());
00334   if(st.dirBackward->isChecked())
00335     shift *= -1;
00336   int seltop = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00337   int selbot;
00338   if(st.shiftAll->isChecked())
00339     selbot = tableLines->numRows() - 1;
00340   else
00341     selbot = tableLines->selection(0).bottomRow();  
00343   if(st.dirBackward->isChecked()) {
00344     QTime min = (*sub)[seltop]->start;
00345     int mini = seltop;
00346     for(int i = seltop + 1; i <= selbot; ++i)
00347       if((*sub)[i]->start < min) {
00348         min = (*sub)[i]->start;
00349         mini = i;
00350       }
00351     if(-shift > MSECS(min)) {
00352       QString s;
00353       QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot shift to negative time"),
00354                             tr("After this shift line %1 would be in "
00355                                "negative time!").arg(mini + 1),
00356                             QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00357       return;
00358     }
00359   } else {
00360     QTime max = (*sub)[seltop]->end;
00361     int maxi = seltop;
00362     for(int i = seltop + 1; i <= selbot; ++i)
00363       if((*sub)[i]->end > max) {
00364         max = (*sub)[i]->end;
00365         maxi = i;
00366       }
00367     if(shift > max.msecsTo(QTime(23, 59, 59, 999))) {
00368       QString s;
00369       QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot shift to over 24 hours"),
00370                             tr("After this shift line %1 would exceed "
00371                                "24 hours!").arg(maxi + 1),
00372                             QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00373       return;
00374     }
00375   }
00377   for(int i = seltop; i <= selbot; ++i) {
00378     (*sub)[i]->start = (*sub)[i]->start.addMSecs(shift);
00379     (*sub)[i]->end = (*sub)[i]->end.addMSecs(shift);
00380     loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);    
00381   }
00382   loadEventFromTable();
00383 }
00385 void SubTimerWnd::editFind()
00386 {
00387   FindDlg f(this);
00388   if(f.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return;
00390   find_string = f.editSearchString->text();
00391   sensitive_find = f.checkCase->isChecked();
00392   editFind_AgainAction->setEnabled(true);  
00394   editFindAgain();
00395 }
00397 void SubTimerWnd::editFindAgain()
00398 {
00399   int i = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00400   bool found = false;
00401   while(++i < tableLines->numRows())
00402     if(sensitive_find) {
00403       if(tableLines->text(i, 3).find(find_string) != -1) {
00404         found = true;
00405         break;
00406       }
00407     } else {
00408       if(tableLines->text(i, 3).lower().find(find_string.lower()) != -1) {
00409         found = true;
00410         break;
00411       }
00412     }
00413   if(!found)
00414     QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Not found"),
00415                              tr("Search string \"%1\" not found!").
00416                              arg(find_string), QMessageBox::Ok);
00417   else {
00418     tableLines->setCurrentCell(i, 0);
00419     tableLines->clearSelection();
00420     tableLines->selectRow(i);
00421     loadEventFromTable();
00422     checkMultipleLines();
00423   }
00424 }
00426 void SubTimerWnd::editCutLine()
00427 {
00428   int seltop = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00429   int selbot = tableLines->selection(0).bottomRow();
00430   if(seltop == 0 && selbot == tableLines->numRows() - 1) {
00431     QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot cut all lines"),
00432                           tr("You cannot cut all lines!"), 
00433                           QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00434     return;
00435   }
00436   copyLines(seltop, selbot);
00437   eraseLines(seltop, selbot);
00438   tableLines->setNumRows(sub->count());
00439   for(int i = seltop; i < (int)sub->count(); ++i)
00440     loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);
00441   if((unsigned int)seltop == sub->count())
00442     --seltop;
00443   tableLines->setCurrentCell(seltop, 0);
00444   tableLines->clearSelection();
00445   tableLines->selectRow(seltop);
00446   loadEventFromTable();
00447   checkMultipleLines();
00448 }
00450 void SubTimerWnd::editCopyLine()
00451 {
00452   int seltop = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00453   int selbot = tableLines->selection(0).bottomRow();
00454   copyLines(seltop, selbot);
00455 }
00457 void SubTimerWnd::editPasteLine()
00458 {
00459   if(clipboard.empty()) return;
00461   PasteSelectDlg psd(this);
00462   if(psd.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return;
00463   int paste_mode = psd.pasteModeGroup->selectedId();
00465   int i = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00466   QTime start_time;
00467   if(i == 0) 
00468     start_time = QTime(0, 0);
00469   else 
00470     start_time = (*sub)[i-1]->end;
00471   int shift = clipboard.back()->start.msecsTo(start_time);
00472   int dist = start_time.msecsTo((*sub)[i]->start) / clipboard.size();
00474   bool shift_error = false;
00476   std::list<SubTitle::Event *> cliptmp; 
00477   int j = clipboard.size();
00478   for(std::list<SubTitle::Event *>::const_iterator ei = clipboard.begin();
00479       ei != clipboard.end(); ++ei) {
00480     SubTitle::Event *e = new SubTitle::Event;
00481     switch(paste_mode) {
00482     case 0: // original 
00483       e->start = (*ei)->start;
00484       e->end = (*ei)->end;
00485       break;
00486     case 1: // shifted
00487       e->start = (*ei)->start.addMSecs(shift);
00488       e->end = (*ei)->end.addMSecs(shift);
00489       if(shift > (*ei)->end.msecsTo(QTime(23, 59, 59, 999)))
00490         shift_error = true;
00491       break;
00492     case 2: // distributed
00493       e->end = start_time.addMSecs(dist * j);
00494       e->start = start_time.addMSecs(dist * (--j));
00495       break;
00496     }
00497     e->name = (*ei)->name;
00498     e->dialogue = (*ei)->dialogue;
00499     cliptmp.push_back(e); 
00500   }
00502   if(shift_error) {
00503       QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Paste over 24 hours"), 
00504                             tr("Pasted lines would exceed 24 hours!"), 
00505                             QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00506       return;
00507   }
00509   for(std::list<SubTitle::Event *>::const_iterator ei = cliptmp.begin();
00510       ei != cliptmp.end(); ++ei)
00511     sub->insertBefore(i, *ei);
00512   tableLines->setNumRows(sub->count());
00513   tableLines->setCurrentCell(i, 0);
00514   tableLines->clearSelection();
00515   tableLines->selectCells(i, 0, i + cliptmp.size() - 1, 3);
00516   for(; i < (int)sub->count(); ++i) {
00517     loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);
00518   }
00519   loadEventFromTable();
00520   checkMultipleLines();
00521 }
00523 void SubTimerWnd::editEraseLine()
00524 {
00525   int seltop = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00526   int selbot = tableLines->selection(0).bottomRow();
00527   if(seltop == 0 && selbot == tableLines->numRows() - 1) {
00528     QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot erase all lines"),
00529                           tr("You cannot erase all lines!"), 
00530                           QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00531     return;
00532   }
00533   if(seltop != selbot) {
00534     QString s; 
00535     if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Delete lines"),
00536                             tr("Are you sure you want to delete "
00537                                "lines %1-%2?").arg(seltop + 1).arg(selbot + 1),
00538                             QMessageBox::No, 
00539                             QMessageBox::Yes) == QMessageBox::No)
00540       return;
00541   }
00542   eraseLines(seltop, selbot);
00543   tableLines->setNumRows(sub->count());
00544   for(int i = seltop; i < (int)sub->count(); ++i)
00545     loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);
00546   if((unsigned int)seltop == sub->count())
00547     --seltop;
00548   tableLines->setCurrentCell(seltop, 0);
00549   tableLines->clearSelection();
00550   tableLines->selectRow(seltop);
00551   loadEventFromTable();
00552   checkMultipleLines();
00553 }
00555 void SubTimerWnd::editAddLineBefore()
00556 {
00557   int i = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00559   SubTitle::Event *e = new SubTitle::Event;
00560   if(i == 0)
00561     e->start = QTime(0, 0);
00562   else
00563     e->start = (*sub)[i-1]->end;
00564   e->end = (*sub)[i]->start;
00565   e->name = tr("Default");
00566   e->dialogue = "";
00568   sub->insertBefore(i, e);
00569   tableLines->setNumRows(sub->count());
00570   for(; i < (int)sub->count(); ++i)
00571     loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);
00572   loadEventFromTable();
00573 }
00575 void SubTimerWnd::editAddLineAfter()
00576 {
00577   int i = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00579   SubTitle::Event *e = new SubTitle::Event;
00580   e->start = (*sub)[i]->end;
00581   if(i == tableLines->numRows() - 1)
00582     e->end = (*sub)[i]->end.addSecs(3);
00583   else
00584     e->end = (*sub)[i+1]->start;
00585   e->name = tr("Default");
00586   e->dialogue = "";
00588   sub->insertAfter(i, e);
00589   tableLines->setNumRows(sub->count());
00590   tableLines->setCurrentCell(i+1, 0);
00591   tableLines->clearSelection();
00592   tableLines->selectRow(i+1);
00593   for(; i < (int)sub->count(); ++i)
00594     loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);
00595   loadEventFromTable();
00596 }
00598 void SubTimerWnd::editSplit()
00599 {
00600   int i = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00601   QTime t;
00602   int j, k;
00604   t = (*sub)[i]->start.addMSecs((*sub)[i]->start.msecsTo((*sub)[i]->end) / 2);
00605   j = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.find(' ', (*sub)[i]->dialogue.length() / 2);
00606   k = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.find('.', (*sub)[i]->dialogue.length() / 2);
00607   if(j < 0 || (k < j && k >= 0)) k = j;
00608   k = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.find(':', (*sub)[i]->dialogue.length() / 2);
00609   if(j < 0 || (k < j && k >= 0)) k = j;
00610   k = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.find(';', (*sub)[i]->dialogue.length() / 2);
00611   if(j < 0 || (k < j && k >= 0)) k = j;
00612   k = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.find('!', (*sub)[i]->dialogue.length() / 2);
00613   if(j < 0 || (k < j && k >= 0)) k = j;
00614   k = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.find('?', (*sub)[i]->dialogue.length() / 2);
00615   if(j < 0 || (k < j && k >= 0)) k = j;
00617   if(j >= 0)
00618     j = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.find(QRegExp("[^ ]"), j + 1);
00619   if(j < 0)
00620     j = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.length() / 2;
00622   SubTitle::Event *e = new SubTitle::Event;
00623   e->start = t;
00624   e->end = (*sub)[i]->end;
00625   e->name = (*sub)[i]->name;
00626   e->dialogue = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.mid(j);
00627   sub->insertAfter(i, e);
00629   (*sub)[i]->end = t;
00630   (*sub)[i]->dialogue = (*sub)[i]->dialogue.left(j);
00632   tableLines->setNumRows(sub->count());
00633   for(; i < (int)sub->count(); ++i)
00634     loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);
00635   loadEventFromTable();
00636 }
00638 void SubTimerWnd::editMerge()
00639 {
00640   int i = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00641   (*sub)[i]->end = (*sub)[i+1]->end;
00642   (*sub)[i]->dialogue = (*sub)[i]->
00643     dialogue.stripWhiteSpace().append(" ").
00644     append((*sub)[i+1]->dialogue.stripWhiteSpace());
00645   sub->erase(i+1);
00646   tableLines->setNumRows(sub->count());
00647   for(; i < (int)sub->count(); ++i)
00648     loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);
00649   loadEventFromTable();
00650 }
00652 void SubTimerWnd::optionsNextLineAfterGrab(bool on)
00653 {
00654   if(!on) {
00655     optionsGuess_time_after_grabAction->setOn(false);
00656     optionsGuess_time_after_grabAction->setEnabled(false);
00657   } else
00658     optionsGuess_time_after_grabAction->setEnabled(true);
00659 }
00661 void SubTimerWnd::helpUsingSubTimer()
00662 {
00663   QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Using SubTimer..."), 
00664                            tr("Online help is not available yet. "
00665                            "Please refer to the documentation "
00666                            "that comes with the SubTimer package."),
00667                            QMessageBox::Ok);
00668 }
00670 void SubTimerWnd::helpAbout()
00671 {
00672   AboutDlg d(this);
00673   d.exec();
00674 }
00676 void SubTimerWnd::helpAboutQt()
00677 {
00678   QMessageBox::aboutQt(this, tr("About Qt..."));
00679 }
00681 void SubTimerWnd::onDurationChanged()
00682 {
00683   QTime temp = editStartTime->time().
00684     addMSecs(MSECS(editDuration->time()));
00685   if(temp != editEndTime->time()) {
00686     editEndTime->setTime(temp);
00687     waveBand->setEndTime(temp);
00688   }
00689 }
00691 void SubTimerWnd::onEndTimeChanged(QTime *end)
00692 {
00693   editEndTime->setTime(*end);
00694 }
00696 void SubTimerWnd::onGrabSelected()
00697 {
00698   int i = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00699   (*sub)[i]->start = editStartTime->time();
00700   (*sub)[i]->end = editEndTime->time();
00701   (*sub)[i]->dialogue = convertEnterToN(editCurrentLine->text());
00702   loadEvent(i, (*sub)[i]);
00703   if(optionsNext_line_after_grabAction->isOn() && 
00704      i != tableLines->numRows() - 1) {
00705     tableLines->setCurrentCell(i+1, 0);
00706     tableLines->clearSelection();
00707     tableLines->selectRow(i+1);
00708     if(optionsGuess_time_after_grabAction->isOn()) {
00709       loadEventFromTable(false);
00710       editStartTime->setTime((*sub)[i]->end);
00711       editEndTime->setTime((*sub)[i]->end.addSecs(2));
00712     } else
00713       loadEventFromTable();
00714   }
00715 }
00717 void SubTimerWnd::onOpenWave()
00718 {
00719   QString s = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null,
00720                                            "Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg)",
00721                                            this,
00722                                            "open wave dialog",
00723                                            tr("Open a wave file..."));
00724   if(s == QString::null)
00725     return;
00727   QFile f(s);
00728   if(!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
00729     QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot open file"),
00730                          tr("Cannot open file: %1!").arg(s), 
00731                          QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00732     return;
00733   }
00734   f.close();
00736   if(!waveBand->loadFile(s)) {
00737     QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("File not valid"),
00738                          tr("%1 is not a valid wave file!").arg(s), 
00739                          QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::NoButton);
00740     return;
00741   }
00743   onTimeChanged();
00744   loadEventFromTable();
00746   waveBand->setEnabled(true);
00747   scrollWave->setEnabled(true);
00748   spinXZoom->setEnabled(true);
00749   spinYZoom->setEnabled(true);
00750   buttonPlayNext->setEnabled(true);
00751   buttonStop->setEnabled(true);
00752   buttonPlaySelected->setEnabled(true);
00753 }
00755 void SubTimerWnd::onPlayNext()
00756 {
00757   int i = tableLines->selection(0).topRow();
00758   tableLines->setCurrentCell(i+1, 0);
00759   tableLines->clearSelection();
00760   tableLines->selectRow(i+1);
00761   loadEventFromTable();
00762   waveBand->playSelected();
00763 }
00765 void SubTimerWnd::onSelectionChanged()
00766 {
00767   int i = tableLines->selection(tableLines->currentSelection()).topRow();
00768   if(i != -1) {
00769     int seltop = std::min(tableLines->selection(0).topRow(), i);
00770     int selbot = std::max(tableLines->selection(0).bottomRow(),
00771                           tableLines->
00772                           selection(tableLines->
00773                                     currentSelection()).bottomRow());
00774     QTableSelection ts(seltop, 0, selbot, 3);
00775     tableLines->clearSelection();
00776     tableLines->addSelection(ts);
00778     loadEventFromTable();
00779     checkMultipleLines();
00780   }
00781 }
00783 void SubTimerWnd::onStartTimeChanged(QTime *start)
00784 {
00785   editStartTime->setTime(*start);
00786 }
00788 void SubTimerWnd::onTimeChanged()
00789 {
00790   int change = editStartTime->time().msecsTo(editEndTime->time());
00791   if(change > 0) {
00792     QTime temp = QTIME_MS(change);
00793     if(temp != editDuration->time())
00794       editDuration->setTime(temp);
00795   }
00796   else
00797     editDuration->setTime(QTime(0, 0));
00798   waveBand->setStartTime(editStartTime->time());
00799   waveBand->setEndTime(editEndTime->time());
00800 }
00802 void SubTimerWnd::setScrollMax(int length)
00803 {
00804   scrollWave->setMaxValue(length / 1000 + 2);
00805   scrollWave->setMinValue(0);
00806 }

Projekt: SubTimer Készült: Wed Mar 23 22:06:54 2005 Készítette: doxygen 1.3.6